I have been told the date of my tea set is in the last quarter of the nineteenth century to the beginning of the twentieth, roughly 1880's to 1915. The tea set has 22 pieces. I have taken pictures of a few pieces. The tea set depicts in the upper cartouche, Samurai & ladies with what looks like a smoking set between them, and in the lower cartouche children playing watched by a man and two women while a man sits in a pavilion overlooking all of them (probably the father) they are celebrating the New Year, (plum blossoms & pine branches)are traditional symbols of the Japanese New year.
The artists mark is Shuzan. The other mark on the plate apart from the Satsuma Mon, is the trademark of the Yasuda Co (Yasuda Kyoto Tojiki Goshikaida)
located in the Awata district of Kyoto.
i am interested in the general market value. Thank you.