This Siberian wolf coat was bought by my grandfather about 1914 and then handed down to my cousin and then my mother. It has been kept in a glass cabinet and is in excellent condition. I would like to know the value of it and then also how to store it.
Re: Siberian wolf coat
Your photos are posterized so it's difficult to judge the condition of the coat. Your best bet to learn the value would be to find a local furrier for a proper examination.
That said, here are a few tips for storing and maintaining it:
Keep it out of direct sunlight and in a cool place, allow it 'breathing room' in your closet. Packing it in tightly with other clothing or in a garment bag will flatten the fur over time. Use a broad, padded hanger with a long neck (no wire hangers!). Don't pack it in a cedar chest or the like, once it picks up the scent of cedar it will be very hard to remove. A regularly worn fur should be cleaned every year by a professional furrier (NOT a dry cleaner!), one rarely worn should be cleaned every other year.