Four 6" figurines of a baker, monk, woodsman, and a barefoot man with a walking stick. Each has a round hole in corner of mouth where you can place one of the rolled up 'cigarettes' that came in 3 small packets of a paper Kent cigarette box. When lit, they blow smoke rings. Very unusual.
Re: Smoking Men Figurines
i have the same monk as you and also one other that you don't have if you could maybe give me more info on them please respond.
Re: Smoking Men Figurines
did you find any other figures or smokes? my father would like to find a chef like in the picture...thank you
[email protected]
Re: Smoking Men Figurines
yes i have the chef figure'just like the picture .contact me at [email protected] for more details
Re: Smoking Men Figurines
My grandmother also had one of these figurines, the baker. She has passed away now and my sister "inherited" him. We always begged my grandmother to see the little smoking man when we visited her, so my sister was so excited to get him. We would love to find the cigarettes. If anyone has any info, please e-mail [email protected]. Thanks!
Re: Smoking Men Figurines
"Vintage" Enesco figures like this go for $5-20.00 each. Enesco was founded in 1958 so they may be 50 years old at most.
Re: Smoking Men Figurines
I have 6 of these men and i would love to know where to get the replaceable smokes? contact me at [email protected]
Re: Smoking Men Figurines
I have one also, given to me by my Grandmother. An old man holding a violin. Now that I see the whole set, I remember them. Very cool. I too would like to get ahold of the cigs.
Re: Smoking Men Figurines
I have offered my mother as a gift such figurines. And in return, she knew how I like to smoke, she told me about a site where I can buy cigars for cheap prices and they have discounts as well. I'm really temped to order from them.
Re: Smoking Men Figurines
Re: Smoking Men Figurines
I have the monk and the violin player that were passed down to me by my great-grandparents. I'd really like to collect them all. Any ideas where to find them? If so, please email [email protected]. Thanks
Re: Smoking Men Figurines
I have 2 figurines of men with smoking jacket and english style hats, they are about 2 1/2 inches high and one has the whole in front and the other to the side and I have 6 cigarettes. I'm afraid to use then cigs and then not be able to get more...These men are also different as they are not on a stand, just shoes.
Re: Smoking Men Figurines
i have the woodsman and the man with the violin but am looking for the cigarettes if anyone can tell me where to find them contact me at [email protected] thanks
Re: Smoking Men Figurines
I have 6 of the smoking men. There were my grandma's. Also looking for the cigarettes. Loved this little guys as a kid. Please email me [email protected] if anyone knows where to find them. Thanks and have a great day.
Re: Smoking Men Figurines
Has anyone found the cigaretts yet? If so please let us all know where.
Re: Smoking Men Figurines
My Mother has all of the men. Got on vacation in the sixties, in Mexico. She has the 'cigarettes' .
Re: Smoking Men Figurines
Hey I have the smokin monk left by my great grandmother and like everyone else I am trying to find the smokes....seems like one could make some decent cash if they could make some of these little fellas....maybe I'll give it a shot...
Re: Smoking Men Figurines
Ok for those who want to see their smoking guys actually can take tissue paper ...the kind used to purty up gift bags...and cut a small rectangle and roll it very tightly until it makes a little stick...BUT HERE IS THE KEY....AFTER you have it tight ...unroll it and add a piece of unscented dental floss to the center(add it to the first turn) and roll it back up slows the burn and adds more smoke...the oil from your hands should keep it rolled once done (if not lick your fingers just a little as you roll it up)... cut the stick into 3/4 inch pieces with scissors or wire cutters...and viola you got some smokes to use to show your kids and grandkids ...well that sounded bad but my great grandparents showed me and I was mesmerized...
Hope this is helpful...
....ohh one more thing...mine actually made a couple smoke rings...small ones but it was pretty neat!
Re: Smoking Men Figurines
I actually have a smoking sailor figurine. He is a Napco by Giftcraft figurine though, # A1733B, made in Japan.
I also have 7 of the little cigarettes with the original "Puffy Cigarettes" packaging, though the packaging is not in great shape! I am looking to possibly sell these... I know the figurine isn't worth a whole lot, but I'm thinking that not too many people have the cigarettes still?
Smoking Figurines
I have five of the little guys. Chef, Farmer, Woodsman, Monk and Hobo. I also have two monkeys that my Grandmother made back in 1979 in a ceramics shoppe. For anyone looking for the cigarettes I can get some . E-mail if you want info. [email protected]