Hi, I was helping my grandmother clean out her house, and we discovered these two old books buried in her closet. She says that she inherited them from her grandmother, and kept them because they could be valueable. The books are The Sonnets of John Milton edited by Mark Pattison published in New York by D. Appleton and Company with the printed date of 1898, and Of The Imitation Of Christ by Thomas A Kempis published by the same company but with the date of 1896. Both Books are hardcover, and have guilded pages and spines. The spine on The Sonnets of John Milton are tearing, and have old tape holding the spine cover in place. Both books also have a strange tissue looking page that covers an image printed on the page before the title. Despite the covers showing the age on both books, the pages are in suprisingly good condition. some slight sticking of the pages, but no noticable tears or markings. Could I get a rough espimate as to the prices of these books? Since we found them my grandmother is anxious to know if it was worth saving them all these years. Thanks!
P.S. Sorry about the horrible picture quality, I had to use my grandmothers old digital camera.
Re: The Sonnets of John Milton & Of The Imitation Of God
Unsure of the second work, but the Sonnets of John Milton is a $150 or so retail book in very good condition which yours unfortunately is not. John Milton was a very prominent figure who died in 1674, the book you have is a much much later compilation. Being both books are from the same publisher, it can be reasonably assumed the other is also a later composition/reprint. I don't see much value here, sorry, and finding a buyer will be extremely difficult.
Re: The Sonnets of John Milton & Of The Imitation Of God
I have "The Imitation of Christ" published by Thomas A. Kempis. This is a first edition from the Peter Pauper Publishers 1965.