Hey everyone! I have these two adorable piggy banks but I have no clue where they are from.
My great aunt collected many things and passed them along to me. I have always been fond of these little guys and have never been able to figure out who made them.
I was wondering if anyone has ever seen a clone to them or maybe who made them.
I would appreciate as much information as I can get.
The details.
Two Piggy Banks.
Both have a number on the bottom.
The larger: 59
The Smaller: 29
I have looked everywhere for a signiture but have failed.
I did notice on the small one it appears to say "US" or "USA" very small on the bottom
Unfortunatly that is all I know about these. I was wondering if you think they may be hand made by someone, if so why the numbers?
I'd also appreciate any theories on how old they may be or when they were made.