I have this signed Val st lambert crystal vase, green to clear in color with diamond cut I think. The color is in a swirl pattern and I am sure it's crystal and not glass because it is very heavy. Not sure if this is a modern peice or earlier. It has Val st lambert etched in the bottom of vase. I cannot find this price anywhere online and I am just trying to put a value on it and see when it dates from. I thought it was modern but could be mid century. Bought at auction a few years ago so that's all I know. Went to sell it to a guy who admitted he knew nothing about it and was offered 60 dollars, but I think it's worth more. Please help me find out how old it is and how much it may be worth. I can only see etching of name and no other marks.
Glassware and Crystal
Heavy cut crystal
Distinguishing marks
Val st lambert etching on bottom of vase
Size and dimensions of this item
8 and a quarter inches tall 6 inches wide at mouth and 3 and a half at base.
Date Period
Unknown but very heavy
Price Paid (If known)
For Sale?
Re: Val st lambert cut crystal vase
Need input please respond with any ideas.