As you can see in the first photo it's just a walking cane with a brass (I believe) screw in base with a rounded wooden screw in top. The center section has hand carved dragons with brass nails in their eyes with a mountain a the top of the main section. This is all hand painted as well. There are four sections to this. When you unscrew the top post or handle then pull it out and the shaft of the cue will then slide out from the middle of the main stick. Then unscrew the bottom brass point (toward the ground)and unscrew the top from the shaft. then screw the shaft onto the main stick and screhte brass bottom to the wood top. Finally screw the top back into the main stick and you have a very rare pool cue!
Re: Very Old Japanesse/Vietnamese (I don't know) Walking ...
hi does anybody no what these walking canes/pool cues go for as i have one and would sell for a decent price my is very much the same mine has engraving and is marpel wood with brass at both ends
Re: Very Old Japanesse/Vietnamese (I don't know) Walking ...
My father had one and my step brother lost it a few years ago. I am not sure what they are worth but I would give $50.00.
I remember the tip screws back into the knob b4 you put the knob back on the hollow part.
[email protected]
Re: Very Old Japanesse/Vietnamese (I don't know) Walking ...
i have one very similar,and it's a hand-me-down also, mom says my grandfather brought it back from Okinawa, i can sen you pics if ya wanna see them, mine isn't in as good condition and it's painted differently [email protected]
Re: Very Old Japanesse/Vietnamese (I don't know) Walking ...
I have one too. My Uncle picked it up in Hawaii around the late 1940's and early 1950's. Gave it to my Grandfather. I played with it as a kid and my Grandmother gave it to me years after my Grandfather died. I would like to know what it is worth if anyone knows. It is black with a warrior holding a spear. It has colorful flowers and s beach scene. The words "ALOHA HAWAII" are engraved on the stick. I can be reached at [email protected]
Re: Very Old Japanesse/Vietnamese (I don't know) Walking ...
I have one of these which my Dad got in Japan while on leave during the Korean War. He and another GI each bought a couple of them really cheaply. He gave one to his grandfather and one to his dad. I ended up with my grandfather's. It looks very similar to yours except the knob at the top is white. I told my grandfather I would never take it a pool hall (I don't really go to those anyway though). I have used it a few times at someone's home, never to break though! It is remarkedly straight for how old it is.
Re: Very Old Japanesse/Vietnamese (I don't know) Walking ...
I have one that is very similiar to these. Did anyone ever find anything out about the value? I am curious about the history on these too.
Re: Very Old Japanesse/Vietnamese (I don't know) Walking cane...
My Grandfather brought one back after his tour in the Philippines during WWII. After he passed away my grandmother gave it to me. Mine is really good condition and looks like yours but not exactly, mine has a dragon and a pheonix, and its cherry wood, very good looking version. I'm really interested in its history and who made them. My grandmother stated that my grandfather said it was made by a japanese artist/dealer who was a merchant in the philippines back then.
Re: Very Old Japanesse/Vietnamese (I don't know) Walking cane...
I'm not sure what the value is on these cues, I have seen several different styles some carved and some just painted and most aren't very straight especially for shooting pool. I think it's mostly sentiment value more than anything. I have one and I bought it just on a whim, I saw it I play pool it was cool looking but it's crooked as a dogs leg and I wouldn't think of trying to play pool with it. The plastic knob handle got broken a couple of years ago on mine and I'm trying to replace it to return it to its original shape and would buy one of the cues if the knob is correct. It looks like the one in the picture here, if anyone is interested let me know just post a picture of the cue and knob and what they are asking for it.