The face of the watch says Bulova Accutron, the back of the watch says BULOVA, N6, F86623 and under that 10 KT RGR Bezel Stainless Steel Back. The inside of the watch says Bulova, N6, Swiss 13 Thirteen Jewels Unadjusted, 2301 A, and the inside of the back cover has 3627 and 11 6 stamped on it and says use only cells marked accutron 218, also what looks like the date 7/83 and an upside down 4.
I acquired this watch at a flea market years ago and it has been in my storage until now, I know that the N6 is for the date which is 1976 but cannot seem to find out what 2301 A means if anything. Any information would be helpful. Thank You