Hardcover book with dust sleeve. On second page a picture of Jesus in center with 8 children among him on both sides. Just below the picture is the number "90." then states, "Eigenthum u. Verlag v. Serz 8c C" that has a small O besides the capital C and continues with "in Nunburg." Off to the right that is under the picture is "C. Ernst del.". There is a thin sheet, smaller then the page size of the book, of what seems like tissue paper. Next page after turning the tissue paper it says "Hefangbuch" spaced down below the word "fur" spaced down "Sei evangelilche Srirche" spaced down "in" spaced down "Wurttemberg" a gold stamp design spaced down a short black ribbon line, used as a divider. Then written at the bottom says "Stuttgart." Spaced down "Derlags-Comptoir des evangelifdjen Hefangbuchs." Below this is the date "1892".