The letter is written on stationary from Buckingham Palace, from Rear-Admiral Sir Huch Janion, KCVO. It reads:
Dear Mrs. Chater,
The Prince of Wales has asked me to send you his sincere thanks for the beautifully worked linen tea set.
His Royal Highness much appreciates your kind thought in sending this gift to him and asks me to thank you most warmly.
It is hand signed Yours Sincerely, Hugh Janion
He was the Captain of the Royal Yacht Britannia from 1975-81. The Prince & Princess took their Honeymoon on this Yacht at during this time frame.
In 1976, Janion instigated the first "Corporate Sea Day". The success of these Sea Days in securing export orders for Britain has since become the most potent argument for the Royal Yacht's continued existence. He was also appointed "Fory" as the post is known by the royal hosehold.