I bought this for 40 bucks from someone off craiglsist who knew nothing about it. On the back it says Goleden Age 172 Wehrle Co, Newark Ohio.It is very shiny when cleaned up and has 2 silver teardrop shaped handles that go on the doors that are not in the picture. The top of it has a piece that comes off, we were figuring to put a decorative piece on it instead that we have seen in pictures. The back has a piece about 3 by 4 inches broken out on the bottom area, but other than that is in good shape. It seems to be cast iron inside of a big steel covering and is set on a bottom piece which comes seperate.
Re: Wehrle Co. Golden Age 122 stove
This one has a Art Nouveau look to it, which would date it to about 1900 when the style was mainstream, but more research would be needed regarding the company, old catalogs etc.... Fully restored I've seen these go for over $1500.00
Re: Wehrle Co. Golden Age 122 stove
Wow Thank you very much! I will continue to research. Searching for old catalogs is a great idea! I appreciate your comment! This has become really fun to find out about this stove!
Re: Wehrle Co. Golden Age 122 stove
it is 172 not 122. This site may be helpful...
Re: Wehrle Co. Golden Age 122 stove
thank i dont know how i didnt catch that! i will go change it!