I fond a bible while fixing a leak under a house, along with 136 ponds of Juelery.they were incased in a small but hand made crate.the water leek didnt touch the bible.I have never seen a bible like this in my life,or has my mother and all her church croud.there is a binding marriage certiffict,in the middle pages,along wiwh births deaths and old old phots of peoplewith no names.the pages that start new chapters all hace cotton page protectors to keep the illastrations from damage,but the illastrations look more like artist paintings and the page fills like our ( USA ) currency paper.the only thing i can say for shure is the publisher was,Samul D BURLOCK .PA.also i the begenning of genesis,opening is all in color, gold leafed What did I find.
Books and Manuscripts
I believe wood and leather
Distinguishing marks
the family crest in the middle of the cover,and the lock that keep it safe
Size and dimensions of this item
6'' thick 20'' x 8''
Date Period
dont know
about 10pnds
found burried under ahouse , under 3' of cement
give me a bid
For Sale?