I found this very interesting piece in 1983 when I was 13 walking along the banks of the Herrington Lake in Garrard County 9Lancaster) Kentucky. Ive kept it all these years and no one can give me any history on it? Someone did tell me years before that there was a small town there that they flooded and covered up when they made Herrington Lake. Im not sure if thats true, I havent been able to find any info to back that up.
It looks to be hand made out of some type of metal and maybe Mahoghany wood. It needs a good cleaning cause theres some rust and the metal in places looks bronze or gold and the resty is a rusty color. The wood looks hand cut and put in with some type of small pins or nails. The metal actually has a hole made in the top for a chain or string?
Im very interested in finding some info on this and history and possibly selling it.
Jewelry and Gemstones
Looks to be metal and mahighany wood?
Size and dimensions of this item
1.5 inches width and 3 inches long
Date Period
I found it in 1983 but it looks much older
6 ounces
found in Herrington Lake Garrard County Kentucky in 1983
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For Sale?