Hi i am wanting a rough evaluation on this beautiful vase. I have searched all over Google and can not find this specific vase anywhere. Im in New Zealand and we dont really have good european antique appraisals here as i keep getting told to take it to Europe, so i am hopeing someone can give me a rough idea of its value or where the best place to get it evaluated or sold. I am not in a position to travel with it overseas so need to find out whatever i can over the internet. It has some crazing but is still very strong and still has a beautiful shiny glaze. The paint on it is stunning with gold trim around everything.
Re: Zsolnay Vase
Having a hole in the bottom this was likely used as a lamp base, the hole drilled by someone wishing to turn it into the a lamp, or even possibly purpose made at the factory as a lamp base. In any case, on it's own it's probably not worth more than about $75.00.
Re: Zsolnay Vase
Ok thankds for that information. I would have thought it was worth more than that as i found a small plate with the same painting on it that was valued at $650.
Re: Zsolnay Vase
This would originally had a brass base attached to the bottom and the lamp section at the top, the vase section being in the middle, not much demand for the lamps missing two thirds the parts.