This settee is possibly made of oak, although I am not certain. The backrest is quite straight and virtually unpadded. The upholstery covers the backside of the backrest as well. The little 'finials' at the top sides of the backrest appear oriental in nature to me. The wood panel in the front of the backrest is rather plain although I have included closeups of the top which appears to have a balance scale type of carving and the bottom carving has a fan and scroll. Overall the carvings are rather squarish: at the top of the backrest the carving reminds me of dental work?
Is it considered Victorian or late American?
Is it considered Victorian or late American?
L~ Thank you so much for the
Thank you so much for the info. That really helps me. Especially the dumpster part, as we are considering selling it! Maybe we will just hold onto it a little longer. :)
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