Tag on back of painting reads
The Tribute Horse
Chinese, Sung Dynasty 960-1280 AD probably XI century
The Metropolitan Museum of Art
Roger Fund 1941
The painting is faded and/or needs cleaned and has a chip in the paint in the center of it.
Re: The Tribute Horse
One exactly as described (same tag on back) just came into our Consignment Store in Harrisburg. I was trying to research if it was just a print when this post popped up. The brown paper on the back is stamped "Sanski Studio, 50 Tanner Village" on the back so perhaps these were reproductions that were sold at the Metropolitan Museum of Art. However it certainly looks like silk when you look at the painting.
Any suggestions as to how to determine value would be appreciated. We get in a tremendous amount of art work and often have to sell them for less than it would cost to get an item framed. So I try and research it but it is challenging and I appreciate any thoughts.
Re: The Tribute Horse
The problem with textiles and paintings is that they really require a physical appraisal in a lot of cases to determine if you are dealing with an original or a period copy or more modern reproduction.
Re: The Tribute Horse
Thank you for your rapid reply. I now do believe it is a very high quality copy that was created for the Metropolitan Museum of Art in 1943. This is because I found a very detailed article on "The Tribute Horse" and a picture featured on the cover of their "Metropolitan Museum of ARt Bulletin" in 1943.
Here is a PDF of the article if anyone is interested in reading more about this piece of art.‎