I have this wooden jewelry box that I acquired several years ago from a yard sale. Japanese design, music box, missing key, feels handpainted, has several shiny (rainbow colored) pieces of what seems to be shell-like .
Please excuse my description as this is the first time for me to have something appraised. If anyone can share some info on this item, I'd highly appreciate it.
Re: Japanese Jewelry/ Musical Box
Your box is Japanese red lacquerware with Mother of Pearl inlay and has been a popular form of jewelry box, even today. Condition is everything in these pieces. Lacquerware is very hard to restore, once it has been damaged as it is applied in multiple super thin layers. Even in excellent condition they do not command a high price. Less than $50, even for good peices.
Re: Japanese Jewelry/ Musical Box
Your box is Japanese red lacquerware with Mother of Pearl inlay and has been a popular form of jewelry box, even today. Condition is everything in these pieces. Lacquerware is very hard to restore, once it has been damaged as it is applied in multiple super thin layers. Even in excellent condition they do not command a high price. Less than $50, even for good peices.