Brass and Bakelite (Maybe?) victorian brass Cufflinks. If not victorian than perhaps still antique? The man said they were ringling brothers circus cufflinks but im not sure that is true. Trade mark is on the back but trademark of what I do not know. I have not been able to find evidence of the ringling claim.
Re: Antique Brass Bakelite cufflinks
These may indeed be "Circus" cufflinks though I haven't seen the type of mechanism on the back before- so these are certainly interesting. That each is a different color is also curious- great find!!
Stylistically, I would date these closer to 1900 than 1930, they look like they could be from the turn of the 20th century- possibly very late 19th century.
Re: Antique Brass Bakelite cufflinks
Not apparent in the pictures is that the celluloid or bakelite has the hew of the moon and star from the opposite cufflink... so they did more closely match at one time... the amber moon and stars background is slightly blue where the blue moon and star has a slightly orangish back ground... They actually look neuveau to me as well... i was thinking turn of the century...
Re: Antique Brass Bakelite cufflinks
The moon and star is an Islamic symbol. The Masons also use this star and crescents in some of their symbols.
Re: Antique Brass Bakelite cufflinks
The six pointed star is not an islamic symbol. This is a six pointed star with a moon.