This is a document of the decleration of united state of america. Its an authintic copy. Its on an old parchment paper. I don't know anymore. I was hopeing i can get told a little more about it. Thank you for looking.
These have been reproduced on anniverasry dates on a regular basis and generally do not have great value. Value depends a lot on their vintage and publisher, but to determnine that you'd need to have it phuysically examined by an appraiser to determine all that. Here is a link to give you a general idea of the market:
Re: In Congress the deceration of the United States
These have been reproduced on anniverasry dates on a regular basis and generally do not have great value. Value depends a lot on their vintage and publisher, but to determnine that you'd need to have it phuysically examined by an appraiser to determine all that. Here is a link to give you a general idea of the market:…;)