At this point there is only very minimal interest in collecting older electric adding machine, even less than typewriters. At auction examples like this often fail to get bids or sell for less than $30.00 in most cases.
Some people get a really unrealistic idea of value because they see these things as being "Antiques" and list them with crazy prices on Ebay, Craigslist and other online sources. What they go for at auction really gives you the best idea of the market. If you see 200 comparable machines sell at auction for under $30.00 in the last year and see the same machine listed retail for $300.00 you know something is out of whack ;~)
This question has nothing to do with this item, but I have several Elvis items as well and I've seen others have posted te exact item; however I don't see what the appraisal on that item is. How do I find that without submitting each item myself?
Re: Sundstrand Underwood 8140P electric adding machine
At this point there is only very minimal interest in collecting older electric adding machine, even less than typewriters. At auction examples like this often fail to get bids or sell for less than $30.00 in most cases.
Re: Sundstrand Underwood 8140P electric adding machine
Thank you for your quick response. I've searched for similar items and the prices are so drastically different.
Re: Sundstrand Underwood 8140P electric adding machine
Some people get a really unrealistic idea of value because they see these things as being "Antiques" and list them with crazy prices on Ebay, Craigslist and other online sources. What they go for at auction really gives you the best idea of the market. If you see 200 comparable machines sell at auction for under $30.00 in the last year and see the same machine listed retail for $300.00 you know something is out of whack ;~)
Re: Sundstrand Underwood 8140P electric adding machine
This question has nothing to do with this item, but I have several Elvis items as well and I've seen others have posted te exact item; however I don't see what the appraisal on that item is. How do I find that without submitting each item myself?