Three veneer over wood chests, mirrors and dressing table chair. Have all pieces but bed. Passed to my uncle from his parents who were married in the 1920's (?) then to me so I know set is old.
Would love to identify age, manufacturer and know if there is any value.
Set has surface water damage on tops but no warping. Wheel missing on one piece and mirror knob broken on another.
Not interested in selling at this time but may consider in the future.
Re: Antique Bedroom - Like to Identify Maker, Value. Early...
Your set is in the Federal Revival style and dates from about the second Quarter of the 20th century, ( mid 1920's to early 30's). As it is, no huge value, sets like this in need of some work are generally sold at auction for under $350.00.
Re: Antique Bedroom - Like to Identify Maker, Value. Early...
Thanks for your reply!