This is a 1.5" round hand held marble game. The game features an aferican american women that is missing front teeth and you have to move around the marbles to fill her teeth. One by one until the 5 marbles are placed in a row to reveal her smile. This Antique coin size hand held marble game is made of soft metal with a hard plastic clear window. It is made by "Schultz and Co" I would like to know the value of this thing and maybe a little history
Re: Antique Coin Cap Hand Held Marble Game
Not a lot of info to be had on this particular item, it was a throwaway promotional item for the Star Soap brand from Schultz & Company in Zanesville, Ohio. The company began in 1853 and often used games and puzzles to promote the company.
Recently in this approximate condition sold for about $50, a cleaner version about $80.