An ornately carved 6 leg coffee table, with curved lines. The top is leather with the gold tooling around the edge. It's a dark wood. I understand the background about the Weiman Furniture Company, but have not been able to locate any other Weiman table that appears to have this type of carving or curved front. Found this in the back/bottom of a resale shop, and made them throw it in for free with my purchase of a Victorian twisted BarleyRocker. I knew by the weight it was a good wood piece, just extremely dirty with a small tear in the leather. Threw on some stain before I saw the Weimen info (722-1322) stamped on the underside! Now I'm a bit nervous, and want to sell but don't want to underestimate the value....Thanks y'all for your help!
American Furniture
Heavy, dark wood...not familiar enough with types of woods, but I want to learn!
Distinguishing marks
Weiman Heirloom Quality 722-1322
Size and dimensions of this item
22 1/2"w x 50 1/2"l x 16" high
Date Period
Know Weiman was in business 1933-1979.
Would guess 30-40 lbs; it's fairly heavy
Found dirty and ignored, and marked as a "project" table for $39 in a resale shop in Conroe, TX. Just liked the weight of the wood, and I resell small wood pieces for fun (I'm retired). Didn't find the "Weiman" markings (quite hard to see) until I had already cleaned and re-stained. When I purchased a Victorian rocker, I made the shop owner "throw this in" for free, so not much invested. But I love old furniture, and like bringing it back to life again.
Price Paid (If known)
$0; made a resale shop "throw this in" with the purchase of a Victorian rocker
For Sale?
Re: Weiman Leather top coffee table 722-1322
I'd really need to see an image of it, values for tables of this vintage depend a lot on their style.
Re: Weiman Leather top coffee table 722-1322
Sorry! Am new to this, and didn't get the pictures posted as I thought I had. I have updated the post, so please look at the table again and tell me what you think. Thanks so much for your interest! I do want to sell this when I know what it is worth.
Re: Weiman Leather top coffee table 722-1322
Nice restoration work!
Re: Weiman Leather top coffee table 722-1322
It's nice table, we'd retail one like this for about $250.00- $275.00.