Registered in 1856 as the Calcutta & Burmah Steam Navigation Co. and in 1862 became British India Steam Navigation Co. Ltd. In 1886 B.I. took control of the Australian S.N. Co. and their coastal services out of Brisbane. This became Australasian United S.N. Co. Apcar & Co., Calcutta with their fleet of five ships was taken over in 1912 and the five ships and the Australian company of Archibald Currie was absorbed in 1913. B.I. and P & O Steam Navigation Co. merged in 1914 but each kept their seperate identities until 1971 when all ships came under the parent P&O company. Nourse Line was acquired by B.I. in 1917 but their ships retained their identities. In 1919 Strick Line was also taken over and in 1935 a controlling interest in Asiatic S.N. Co was purchased. British India Steam Navigation Co. amalgamated with Peninsular and Oriental Steam Navigation Co. in 1914. P&O became the 'parent' company. In 1971 P&O S.N. Co. was reorganised into divisions, General Cargo, Passenger and Bulk Handling
Silversmith Elkington & Co, they date to 1872
symbols and numbers ???? I need to see them this will help Date, and help tell you who and when it was made.... Close up and clear photos..
Plain meat/food Dooms Estimated values $ $300. and more depends on the markings...
The Elkington & Co. marking indicates the piece is silver plated Elkington were one of the first companies to use silver electro plating. It was founded by George and his brother, Henry Elkington, in the 1830s. It operated under the name G. R. Elkington & Co. until 1842, when a third partner, Josiah Mason, joined the firm. It operated as Elkington, Mason, & Co. until 1861, when the partnership with Mason was terminated. The firm operated independently as Elkington & Co. from 1861 until 1963. values for the domes depends a great deal on the condition of the silver plating, give it a good polishing and see how it comes up.
Re: Antique silver dome
Registered in 1856 as the Calcutta & Burmah Steam Navigation Co. and in 1862 became British India Steam Navigation Co. Ltd. In 1886 B.I. took control of the Australian S.N. Co. and their coastal services out of Brisbane. This became Australasian United S.N. Co. Apcar & Co., Calcutta with their fleet of five ships was taken over in 1912 and the five ships and the Australian company of Archibald Currie was absorbed in 1913. B.I. and P & O Steam Navigation Co. merged in 1914 but each kept their seperate identities until 1971 when all ships came under the parent P&O company. Nourse Line was acquired by B.I. in 1917 but their ships retained their identities. In 1919 Strick Line was also taken over and in 1935 a controlling interest in Asiatic S.N. Co was purchased. British India Steam Navigation Co. amalgamated with Peninsular and Oriental Steam Navigation Co. in 1914. P&O became the 'parent' company. In 1971 P&O S.N. Co. was reorganised into divisions, General Cargo, Passenger and Bulk Handling
Silversmith Elkington & Co, they date to 1872
symbols and numbers ???? I need to see them this will help Date, and help tell you who and when it was made.... Close up and clear photos..
Plain meat/food Dooms Estimated values $ $300. and more depends on the markings...
Re: Antique silver dome
The Elkington & Co. marking indicates the piece is silver plated Elkington were one of the first companies to use silver electro plating. It was founded by George and his brother, Henry Elkington, in the 1830s. It operated under the name G. R. Elkington & Co. until 1842, when a third partner, Josiah Mason, joined the firm. It operated as Elkington, Mason, & Co. until 1861, when the partnership with Mason was terminated. The firm operated independently as Elkington & Co. from 1861 until 1963. values for the domes depends a great deal on the condition of the silver plating, give it a good polishing and see how it comes up.