The serial #, read backwards, will tell you the month, day and year it was manufactured. If it has 7 numbers, the last number indicates which plant it was made at. Example
2235150 = 2 / 23 / 51 / 50 shows it was made on May 15, 1932 at plant #2. This number is found on the outside bottom of the chest. You have two lovely pieces. Don't know how valuable it is other than to say that it's only as valuable as someone is willing to pay. The history/memories/family members associated with these two pieces is.......................PRICELESS.
Re: 2 Lane cedar chest
The photo of the serial numbers did not upload.
i have it if you need it.
Re: 2 Lane cedar chest
Love this!
Re: 2 Lane cedar chest
Someone please help me to identify this item. It has been in my family for years and I do not know what it is. Anything can help. Thank you
Re: 2 Lane cedar chest
The serial #, read backwards, will tell you the month, day and year it was manufactured. If it has 7 numbers, the last number indicates which plant it was made at. Example
2235150 = 2 / 23 / 51 / 50 shows it was made on May 15, 1932 at plant #2. This number is found on the outside bottom of the chest. You have two lovely pieces. Don't know how valuable it is other than to say that it's only as valuable as someone is willing to pay. The history/memories/family members associated with these two pieces is.......................PRICELESS.