This is a Derringer Gun. On the barrel, it is engraved with the words Black Powder Only, JUKAR, Spain and the numbers 104027. The metal plate on the handle says Derringer Philidelphia.
Wood handle, metal barrel
Distinguishing marks
Derringer Philidelphia JUKAR
Size and dimensions of this item
8" from butt of handle to tip of barrel
This gun was found by my step father in a house that he was renting and renovating. The house was dated back 200 years. I do not know when he found this gun.
I agree with cthuluh63 on this one. By your photos do I see lots of rust? if so it lowers the price a lot............good luck.............."NOTE" do not try and shoot this with out checking out the barrow first.
Re: Derringer Black Powder Gun
The gun is a modern kit gun, very widely sold. If the rust is only on the surface, and it was cleaned up and reblued, it might be worth $50.
Re: Derringer Black Powder Gun
I agree with cthuluh63 on this one. By your photos do I see lots of rust? if so it lowers the price a lot............good luck.............."NOTE" do not try and shoot this with out checking out the barrow first.