Just purchased this Bentwood rocking chair from craigslist because I fell in love with the chair. I only paid $30. I was just curious to see if this is a true antique or a reproduction. There are no paper labels on the chair, just a "Made in Poland" inscription on the inside of the very backside of the seat, and the markings "P" and "4" facing eachother (with the bottoms of the letter and number meeting in the middle). This carved marking of "P4" in on at least 4 different parts of the chair, including the lower cross bar.
Re: Bentwood Rocker
I have a Bentwood Rocker which looks just like yours, also has a MADE IN POLAND inscription under the seat, but has the markings 2 A on inside bottom of backside of chairback.. Researching this chair on the internet has me totally confused about its age and possible value so I wondered if you might have run across any information in your search that might help clarify things for me. Any help in determining age and/or resale value would be very much appreciated! Thank you!
Re: Bentwood Rocker
Bentwood rockers like this are based on originals by the Thonet company and have never really been out of production for very long since the late 19th century. Examples marked "Made In Poland" are 20th century reproductions that often sell for less than $80.00 at auction these days.