I saw the similar bike posted and have just recently come across a similar one but mine looks older. The decal on the front is worn off so I don't know who made it. I believe it is all original aside from a few nuts and bolts (4). It has 12" tires and the frame was once blue with a red seat white fenders that used to have red pinstripes. (Pinstripes are still there under the front forks. Both tire spin and so do the pedals. The thin wire basket only has 2 small pieces broken off and 1 small piece broke in half but still connected. I have no idea what it's worth so mKe an offer and I'll wait til I get 4-5 then I'll probably take the highest offer. And I will disclose any other offers I get ahead of time.
Re: Old chainless bicycle w/Rear Wire Basket
Any helpful info is appreciated like a year maker and value.