I am not an appraiser and I do not offer authentications. I would check the Western Graphics Suggested Retail Price List. It was publish some years ago, and I have found some errors in it, but it is a good starting point. I will have one of these lithogrpahs to list soon, but as of today, it it not listed. The measurements suggest that you may have a reproduction print and not an original lithogrpah. The correct size is not listed in Wester Graphic's List. The correct size will be listed when I list mine for sale. If the size is correct, you will need to check it is not a giclee. Check for the 2-3 embossed stamps on the paper. If they are not there, or if they are not embossed (if they are printed) you do not have a lithogrpah. The framing looks nice nad many people can enjoy that. If it is not a litho, the signature is a photo graphic reproduction. These are often taken from his books and have been sold on ebay etc for a small amount.
Re: R.C. Gorman Santa Fe Woman St. II
has anyone answered you yet? I'm trying to find out the worth 1976 signed lithograph by Gordmans similar to yours.
Re: R.C. Gorman Santa Fe Woman St. II
Check the reply on the original post.
Re: R.C. Gorman Santa Fe Woman St. II
I am not an appraiser and I do not offer authentications. I would check the Western Graphics Suggested Retail Price List. It was publish some years ago, and I have found some errors in it, but it is a good starting point. I will have one of these lithogrpahs to list soon, but as of today, it it not listed. The measurements suggest that you may have a reproduction print and not an original lithogrpah. The correct size is not listed in Wester Graphic's List. The correct size will be listed when I list mine for sale. If the size is correct, you will need to check it is not a giclee. Check for the 2-3 embossed stamps on the paper. If they are not there, or if they are not embossed (if they are printed) you do not have a lithogrpah. The framing looks nice nad many people can enjoy that. If it is not a litho, the signature is a photo graphic reproduction. These are often taken from his books and have been sold on ebay etc for a small amount.
Good luck