Falconet is known as sculpter who was invited to Russia by Catherine The Great in September 1766. At St Peterburg he executed a colossal statue of Peter The Great in bronze, known as Bronze Horzeman.
Introduced bronze statue was inspired by the Bather, painted in1725 by Francois Lemoyne, and popular by engravings.
The sculptor has portrayed the moment just before the young girl's bath, as she puts her foot tentatively forward to test the temperature of the water.
Falconet captures the moment when a young girl becomes a women, thereby defining a new feminine aesthetic - long slender body, narrow hips, sloping shoulder, and small breast - which was to impregnate his future work and influence his contemporaries. The girls head is small and her oval face forms a triangle. Her hairstyle was inspred by antiquity; smooth on top, with a cetral parting.