This is a "Pressback" highchair, originally made during the turn of the 19th Century they became very popular again in the 1980's. Since then values and demand for them has declined a grerat deal, currently we see comparable highchairs often sell for about $150.00.
Re: Antique wooden high chair
This is a "Pressback" highchair, originally made during the turn of the 19th Century they became very popular again in the 1980's. Since then values and demand for them has declined a grerat deal, currently we see comparable highchairs often sell for about $150.00.
Re: Antique wooden high chair
What kind of wood is it?
Re: Antique wooden high chair
These chairs are generally mixed hardwoods, maple, elm, oak.
Re: Antique wooden high chair
Thanks for the info! I bought it for $30 at a garage sale.