This platter is quadruple silver plated. In trying to figure out the age and value. I've noticed the making on the back is different than any other FB Roger marks on the internet. Thank you.
Based on the images your piece dates from the second quarter of the 20th Century. The company was founded in 1883 at Shellburne Falls, Ma, moved to Taunton in 1886. Before 1896 absorbed West Silver Co. Became a division of National Silver Company (1955) and was bought in 1985 by J.C. Boardman.
There is very little demand for silverplate in the current market, pieces like this often sell for under $50.00.
Re: FB Rogers platter
Based on the images your piece dates from the second quarter of the 20th Century. The company was founded in 1883 at Shellburne Falls, Ma, moved to Taunton in 1886. Before 1896 absorbed West Silver Co. Became a division of National Silver Company (1955) and was bought in 1985 by J.C. Boardman.
There is very little demand for silverplate in the current market, pieces like this often sell for under $50.00.