Pieces like this rarely had any markings on them, a paper tag at best. They are of a type made at the turn of the 19th Century, often sold through mailorder catalogs like Montgomery- Ward or Sears- Roebucks circa 1898. The style last peaked in popularity back in the early 1990's and has been in decline since that time, they often reatil now for under $400.00 if in good condition.
Re: Eastlake style bench/settee
Pieces like this rarely had any markings on them, a paper tag at best. They are of a type made at the turn of the 19th Century, often sold through mailorder catalogs like Montgomery- Ward or Sears- Roebucks circa 1898. The style last peaked in popularity back in the early 1990's and has been in decline since that time, they often reatil now for under $400.00 if in good condition.