family chair dates back to my dads home in the historic west adams district in los angeles, ca. My dad's family purchased the house in the 1930's and the chair came with the house.
These are often referred to as "Dragon Chairs", Most are Chinese and date from the turn of the 19th century, though similar chairs are still in production. Values at auction vary for them tremendously across the country, to the novice collector they look ancient and rare and at times they sell for ridiculous prices. In a Low to High range I've seen them sell for about 175.00- to a high of $2250.00, though I'd never pay more than $350.00 for one.
Re: rosewood furniture
These are often referred to as "Dragon Chairs", Most are Chinese and date from the turn of the 19th century, though similar chairs are still in production. Values at auction vary for them tremendously across the country, to the novice collector they look ancient and rare and at times they sell for ridiculous prices. In a Low to High range I've seen them sell for about 175.00- to a high of $2250.00, though I'd never pay more than $350.00 for one.
Re: rosewood furniture
Fantastic, showy stuff!
Grandma taught me that you must have at least one uncomfortable chair in your house......