Seascape oil painting. Signed by K. Wilson. Signature is printed and the "s" in Wilson in longer then the rest of the letters. Has white sandy beaches, grass, rolling ocean waves, sunset, a lightblue lighthouse and 5 seagulls. Inscription on back in ink says, "To John, X-Mas 1987, Love Mom", there are two initials in red marking pencil," BI" in upper left corner on frame.
Re: Seascape oil painting
i have the exact painting if you find out value let me know
Re: Seascape oil painting
Thanks for your contact. How uncanny! Does yours have a clearer signature or any more details to identify the artist?
What's the story behind your painting?
Re: Seascape oil painting
we have the same paintingand it has a very clear signature.
there is no frame on this one. how much do you think its worth
Re: Seascape oil painting
If your painting matches the other, than it's pretty much as I've mentioned earlier.The majority of paintings of this type are generic " Starving Artist" pieces sold at traveling art sales held in hotel conference rooms.
These paintings are done up as multiples, the artist filling an order for an art wholesaler, while not mass produced in the modern sense, they are made for market demand for that type of image. In the resale market most sell for under a couple of hundred dollars
Re: Seascape oil painting
The appraisal of paintings via images it a futile adventure, some items such as oil paintings really require a physical examination to determine just what they are. That being said, the majority of paintings of this type are generic " Starving Artist" pieces sold at traveling art sales held in hotel conference rooms. In the resale market most sell for under a couple of hundred dollars