I bought this at an estate auction. It was in a box of miscellanous items. The clockworks are missing and have been replaced by a battery. I wondered what the value might be since it is missing the clock parts.
I would love an appraisal on this old Gate Leg table found in a barn ,it has been there since the late 1920's I believe. dovetail joints. it looks handmade
I came across these beautiful Afred Meakin bowls at a flea market. I would like to know if they are antique or worth anything. Please see pictures. On the rear of the two small bowls it has "Tinturn" on them as well as a shield, within the shield it says, "ALFRED MEAKIN, ENGLAND, A hand engraved pattern applied under the glaze. Permanent and acid resisting colour. One bowl has a number "16" stamped on it and the other has a number "11" stamped on it. The larger bowls have "Tinturn" and the shield and inscription but no numbers.
Well, the title says it all. I inherited this medallion (coin) a while back and only just recently started to sell some similar real coins on ebay. When it came to this medallion I couldn't find it on ebay, or anywhere else on the internet.
Obverse: stylized "Expo 70" that is orbiting the earth; surrounded by "WE CAME IN PEACE FOR ALL MANKIND ** APOLLO" Reverse: looks like the Apollo capsule being retrieved on the sea; surrounded by "UNITED STATES OF AMERICA *** OSAKA JAPAN
I need help with it's full identity, and of course it's value.