Wooden bar with a marble top that's grayish-black with a tint of dark green to it. It has claw feet and other beautiful detailing. The back side has a matching marble top cutting board/drawer, 1 regular drawer and 2 drawers (1 on each end) that open in a semi-circle, a wine rack that holds up to 12 bottles, a cabinet and an open area.
It's similar to the Pulaski Edwardian Marble top bar except the counter top on mine is real marble, where the Edwardian's is laminate & mine doesn't have the gold foot rail. I purchased this item from a previous employer & have no information as to brand name, where it was bought, cost etc. Any help would be greatly appreciated. The only information on the bar is the sticker on the bottom which has the serial# & a code. I am undecided right now as to if I want to sell it but would love to know its value new and used, as well as who the manufacturer is. Thank you.