I have had this table for many years. It was a heirloom, have more tables from the mersman collection. I use all of them now as I'm doing antiques in my livingroom.
Well the Picture's really explain it alot! Its colors are dark brown, gold, white each symbol is very well drawn very beautiful piece it's shaped like a shiled but i don't believe it's made of metal possiable a ceramic but could also be a hard plastic by the way it sounds when you tap on it. I would really like to know more aboout the history of this because it caught my intrest from the moment i laid eyes on it and it would be nice to let my grandmother know more about it she is currently being treated for cancer so I think it would be some thing that would really bring her sprits up to know what she has been dragging around with her all these year
Indonesian Colonial Furniture set from the 19th century. Two chairs and one settee. Hand-carved, hand-made, no nails only wood joints. Owner said it came out of a church in theBoston area. These furniture pieces are a great example of an Artsian's craft at their very best. More pictures available upon request. For more information please call 989-585-3293