I've had these since the 70"s. They need a re-upholster and cushions. I f someone knows approx. what they are worth restored or as is, please let me know
I have done alot of research and I havn't been able to find anything matching this type of label on these cans. I have 2. I will put up pictures as soon as I can . I do not have any at the moment. The label says " New BAB-O Cleanser Bubble Action Cuts Grease 4 time as Quick!" With the bubble mascot, it doesnt contain bleach and that is the only cans I can find. There is also a seal on the laber saying it was guarantted by Good Housekeeping. I might be willing to sell them if i can find out how much they are worth.
This desk is in beautiful condition and has been kept in storage. I've found comparable pieces online, but not with this type of wood. (I'm not terribly familiar with different species of wood). Thank you so much for your help! It really is a lovely piece of furniture. Please let me know if you need any other information.