A beautiful carved solid wood back of a lions head.lions feet on arms and leg.Chair quite LARGE.bACK OF CHAIR IS UNCARVED.ENTIRE BACK OF CHAIR IS CARVING.
Pattern looks like maybe a wheat stalk head, very simple pattern, with gold/platinum(?)edges.Found what might be a pattern #MTK24(?) Also read vintage 50's and rare on various search sites.
This is a metal, two piece pin that is possibly a political button, speculated worn by females? date on front is 1892, has two parts connected with a small metal ring. ?bronze? Manufactured by CH Hanson in Chicago Ill
these are the numbers that are on them S31-674No.296699 also on the front are J-E6 J-B251. they also have a lined leather case in good cond. also....made in japan on the front to.belmont coated 7x35 feild veiw 1000 yards 525 ft. extra wide angle are these rare beacause i cannot find these anywhere on the net.. i heard extra wide angle binoculars are very rare very old but dont know exactally please do they have any value..?
these swords look to be made of real siver and i know that the straps holding them is real old leather. to me it looks as though it was a gift that was maybe given to a knight or someone during the period of chinese and japanese domination. I am not for sure so if you could give me some facts i really would appreciate it. if you have any questions email me at either [email protected] or [email protected]. you should probably try both just to make sure. if you cant reach me just post a comment and i will try to get back to you as soon as possible. thanks
i dont know much about these swords so. my guess is that it was a gift perhaps.I know that the swords are made of real silver and that the straps holding it are made up of very old leather