it is a small loveseat type of chair dark wood, it has what appear to be lions heads carved at the end of the armrest and clawed feet on the front legs only. the back wood above the seat has a smooth slightly rounded curve to it.
This is a pair of male and female cats. The heads, hands and part of arms up to elbow are made of bisque. Also the footwear and legs up to knees are made of bisque. The rest of the both is cloth and stuffed. They have strawlike whiskers and eyelashes. The male is missing its whiskers. The male have on a black and white tuxedo, original with black bisque boots and gloves. The female have a maroon victorian style dress with an attached slip and net like pettite coat or underwear. She is wearing brown high heels with black and brown gloves. Her dress I am not sure of originality. They are in very good condition. I have not attempted to clean clothes or anything like that. They are how I bought them.
Stoneware bottle with the words E.P. Shaw & Co., LTD. There is a picture of a dog and the words Trade Mark under the Dog. It is tan and brown in color. It has Doulton Lamberth with the #15 between the names, imprinted at the bottom of bottle