This is the axe my boyfriend and I bought from a friend. Unsure where he picked this item up from. I have this axe listed on another site and have gotten different opinions such as:
It may have been used for:
Farming, to clear roots and grubs. Used in farming to join (couple) something together, for joining fence or wires, or maybe to inch it along, or to remove a pulley belt from a steam engine or water wheel.
It was likely made for a specific customer, making it more rare
It does not have sharp edges due to use in confined spaces, would be too dangerous
The axe handle is attatched by use of an "adz eye socket" which was invented by David Maydole (some sources name him Brian) circa 1850
No one on the other site has seen one like this, but other opinions are that the style of the mold used makes some think of a medieval battle axe.
Though the date of 1850 was used to identify the age, when an axe broke, they most times recycled the heads, attatching a new handle. So I am still not sure what the date of this axe is.
Help would be greatly appreciated, as far as where the axe originated from, an age, and an estimate for the value...Interested in selling this, unsure what to ask for it.