My wife, Gale inherited two antique donkey cart sides with scenes depicting Napoleon’s entrance into Firenze after crossing the Alps. I do not know the date of the cart sides but my wife’s brother befriended the wife of the American Ambassador to France in the 1940's and we were told that when he retired, the French Embassy gave him the cart sides as a gift. My wife’s brother inherited them in the early 1960’s and he passed away in 2003 leaving them to us. We are concerned that they may be very valuable and if so, I need to have some sort of price for insurance. They have been displayed on a wall in the house for years and we are worried about preservation of the panels. Would you also have any access to an appraiser? We are curious as to their worth.
General Antiques and Collectibles
Wooden boards, attached to sides of donkey carts. Boards have leather straps covering the front of the boards and this is where they are attached to the cart sides.
Distinguishing marks
Has French writing on the boards depicting Napoleon arriving in Firenze after crossing the Alps.
Size and dimensions of this item
14 inches by 49 inches long. 2 panels with 2 scenes on each panel with leather straps
Date Period
Unsure of date. We believe that the US Ambassador was given the cart sides in the 1940's. If my memory serves me correct, they were hung in the Ambassador's office in France.
guess about 7 lbs each
See notes above. I could not translate completely. My 2 yrs of high school French failed me. My daugher-in-law is fluent in French but some of the writing is faint.
eBay Auction Link
Price Paid (If known)
gifted to Ambassador after retirement
For Sale?