Acquired this pie safe from a neighbor it was her great great grandmother late 1800's or early 1900's. Its a solid piece all original but the top piece need replacing. Looks its age
Date Period
Late 1800's early 1900's
Was my neighbor' great great grandmother late 1800's or early 1900. All original parts.
Based on the images, this piece probably started it's life as a mid 19th Century jam cupboard. Most pie safes we see today are actually modified jam cupboards or dressers, the modifications themselves often done over 100 years ago to pieces that were no longer needed for their original purpose and reused rather than thrown out. Quite often signs of their original use are evident on the interior, marks where shelves or drawers used to be. Values vary, put most today retail for less than $500.00
Re: Antique Pie Safe
Based on the images, this piece probably started it's life as a mid 19th Century jam cupboard. Most pie safes we see today are actually modified jam cupboards or dressers, the modifications themselves often done over 100 years ago to pieces that were no longer needed for their original purpose and reused rather than thrown out. Quite often signs of their original use are evident on the interior, marks where shelves or drawers used to be. Values vary, put most today retail for less than $500.00