40x35 painting on cardbord with fram date on back 2001 artist jack terry does have
name on it and copy right thing its two men on horses riding in the rain with rain
coats on it does have a few scratches on it but its in ok shape on the back it says
on a sticker made exelusively for home interiors and gifts mabe in the usa its in a
wood frame with gold trim the pitcher is about 30x24 1/2 with a green 3 inch border
around whole pitcher it looks like a oil painting but its on cardboard not canves
Re: jack terry painting
I have the same framed artwork. I purchased it from Home Interiors in 2001.
I do not know the title of the picture so I have not listed it for sale yet.
I know I paid close to $300 for it.
Re: jack terry painting
If it has a copyright marking and is on cardboard it's Decorator print, they seldom go for for more than $100.00 in the resale market.
Re: jack terry painting
The painting by Jack Terry is called Cowboys in the rain