Hello All,
I have been trying to make out this signature here and there for years to no avail. I purchased this painting in Philadelphia 20 years ago without any information on the painting or artist.
The signature originally looked to me to be > E. Millaps (Millaps as a last name is almost non existent) then I noticed that perhaps the p could be an "i", which would make it - E. Millais?
(***notice the part of the p that makes it a p is a bit of a ghost, whereas the part that would make it an i is more clear )
Unique signature attributes:
1. signature underlined
2. Top left corner
3. number > - 55 - (under signature) 1855 or 1955?? (oil on board with canvas face and slight canvas wraparound - look machine done but very brown with age ( not sure when this kind of material became available). The photo of back of painting shows a wood board obscuring the back of the material painted on. ( no photo of the back of the painted material )
- ( Continue from E. Millais ) As in Sir John Everett Millais an known English painter of the 19th century. He also comes up when you search E. Millais.
However - J.E. Millais does not seem to even one other still-life in his history which gives me pause. Although I have to assume that every fine artist of the 19th century with formal study was made to do still-lifes as part of their training.
Also -The signatures I have located do not seem like his nor are any of them in the upper left hand position of other paintings.
HOWEVER - One of his ancestors Raoul Millais has a signature that is underlined (pictured below w green background) but the subject and the R rather than E is throwing me.
Would love to solve the mystery of who the artist is and would appreciate any insight to that end.
Thank you in advance - valleyguy
The closest I have come to an artists name is Everett Millais or
Re: Mystery Still-Life 19th Century? Millais? Pears, Ginger Jar?
If it's on a canvas board it's more than likely 1955. Researching paintings really require the sevices of a specialist Fine Arts Appraiser, most auction houses could refer you to an expert.
Re: Mystery Still-Life 19th Century? Millais? Pears, Ginger Jar?
Thank you Lovejoy for your opinion on the board.
Once I have an idea of who the artist is or might be, I would be happy to engage a formal appraisel.