Engraving "To the Right Honorable Earl of Chatham First Lord Commissioner of the Admiralty. This plate of the Action Between His Majesty's Frigate La Nymphe and the French Frigate La Cleopatra is with permission dedicated by His Lordships much obliged and very obedient humble servant Thomas Yates, Licu R.V. La Nymphe boarding La Cleopatra having by another great maneuver compleatly disabled La Cleopatra's bowsprit & exposed her to a raking fire, from the whole of La Nymph's broadside."
Philadelphia, Published by Freeman & Co at the Manufactory & Store No. 68, North 3rd Street, August 25, 1796.
Piece is whole but has tears and wrinkles, some areas have been taped. Has been put in archival materials for preservation.