Picture #1- This picture shows the main body of the "Spruce Goose" being transported through 1940's Long Beach
Picture #2- This picture is an aerial view of the "Spruce Goose" being assembled at the launching point
Picture #3- This picture is an interior view of the main body on the "Spruce Goose"
Picture #4- This picture is an original photo of Howard Hughes in the cockpit of the "Spruce Goose"
Picture #5- This picture is of the "Spruce Goose" as it took its very short flight over the ocean.
Re: Original Howard Hughes/Spruce Goose prints taken by ...
I couldn't guess a value but I do know the Smithsonian Air and Space museum is always looking for original prints. They are wonderful pictures and more of a national treasure than anything else.
The aerial view is one I have never seen before and who knows what kind of maybe new info they could get from something like that
Thanks for sharing them!