Found this desk at a garage sale Was curious abot it. It looks like it is missing something from the top? Two holes at back and I can see marks where something was sitting. Not sure if it is the original finish. its made by Revell and Company Chicago guessing early 1900s? Trying to out history and worth. Dont have keys for it and one knob is missing. Wondering if its worrh refurbishing? Has rollers on bottom. Any info appreciated. Tganks
Re: Revell and Company Desk
It's possible it is actually a vanity, the mirror or back splash is missing. It's in the Empire revival style, which was popular during the turn of the 19th century into the early 1920's. No huge value currently , the style goes in and out of fashion, last popular in the late 1980's. At auction " as is" examples often sell for under $150.00.