This vase belonged to my grandmother, who received it as a gift ftom her great aunt, who traveled the world. The vase appears to be completely painted/glazed (the top & bottom show white beneath the layer of color). There is a "Japan" stamp on the bottom in reddish brown color and its about 6 3/4 inches tall. The base is about 6 inches around, it then widens to 16 inches around at 2 1/2 inches from the base and tappers in to about 3 3/4 inches at the very top. I do not know when the vase was purchased or any additional information. Any clues would be greatly appreciated and I thank you in advance.
Re: vase from Japan
Vases like this tend to postdate 1921 and were mass produced for the Export market. No huge value though , most like this tend to sell for less than $50.00.
Re: vase from Japan
Beautiful Vase! I dont know anything personally about the piece, but if it was your grandmothers then it is priceless. Treasure it.